Klussis waitjāi prūsiskai

Glabbis Niktōrius


1. Some words about Baltic Prussian movement.
2. About myself and my daughters.
3. Text by Valdis Muktupāvels in Pomesanian 'Zemōi ēimai prēi ten' (to hear music go to Prussian in Music on page 'Ethnology', Oratorio, 09).
4. Text by Valdis Muktupāvels in Pomesanian 'Senjōjō waīdilai' (to hear music go to Prussian in Music on page 'Ethnology', Oratorio, 03).
5. The same in Samlandian (current literary Prussian).
6. Fragmental version of the same text by Dailūns Russinis in Samlandian.
7. The same in Pomesanian.
8. The beginning of "Gaieties of Spring' from Christian Donelaitis' 'The Seasons' by Prāncis Arellis in Samlandian.
9. 'Excuse me, Brother' by Prāncis Arellis.
10. Adages by Prāncis Arellis.
11. Fragment of the 3rd Catechism (M. Luther's 'Enchiridion') by Abel Will.
12. 'Widūns' by Mikkels Klussis.
13. 'Kānts' by Mikkels Klussis.
14. 'Kapperniks' by Mikkels Klussis.

The texts 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 may be found in New Prussian > Texts (Chrestōmatija, pdf), but a reconstruction of 11 may be found in Old Prussian > Monuments > Three Catechisms, III 41 (pdf pages 154-155).

> Modern Prussian